
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Cure From More Than Seventy Ilnesses

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Syed Khalid Hussain, Lahore

For gastric pains it is beneficial to mix 2 grams of salt in hot water and to drink it twice a day. Applying massage by mixing salt in the oil of tils is also beneficial. In the case of stomach ache it is very beneficial to drink hotwater in which 1 gram of salt is mixed. It cleans the stomach and the intestines.

According to its effect the salt is warm and dry. Black salt is drier. There are various types of it.

Lahori Salt: This salt releases phlegm and other excretions. It fastens the mind, wisdom and knowledge. It stops sour hiccups. It removes the gases of the stomach. Mixing salt in vinegar improves hair loss. Jalaab Salt: mixing this with the extract of sweet cumin seeds, or to mix it with water and a little bit of sugar and drinking it improves bowel movement. It releases phlegm. Saanbhar Salt: It removes phlegmy material. It removes gases and phlegm and digests food. Black Salt: It is good for digestion and gastric. It is very effective for stomach ache. Using it along with rose extract improves indigestion. In order to remove hiccups it is used along with the mango seed. Namak Sheesha: This salt is very beneficial in ailments of eyes. It increases appetite. Digests food. Namak Shore: This salt is obtained from sea water. Its massage improves gastric pains. Its massage on heels is beneficial for tissues and absorbs mental evaporations. Increases blood Digests the food well and opens the tissues. Dissolves sores. Namak Talkh: This heals wounds when used along with olive oil and glue (gonde). In this regard it is more powerful than all the salts. River Salt: This softens the personality. Digests the food. Removes phlegm through loose motions and cleans the stomach.

Benefits of Salt: If someone has an extremely pungent burps and loose motions too, then by increasing the use of salt and spices, it cures. Salt is digestible. It kills the stomach worms. By doing gargles with salt, throat heals. It releases phlegm. By putting a small pinch of salt in the mouth helps in releasing phlegm. It reduces cough. Salt proves as a very effective cleanser for teeth. If a little bit of salt is mixed with mustard oil and applied on the teeth, they start shining and they do not contract plaque. By the use of salt, gums stop bleeding. Odor of the mouth is removed. To treat itch, mix salt with water and leaves of neem tree and boil them first and then take a shower with that water. By the use of few days itch and all of the skin illnesses will remove. By mixing salt in water and applying a thick cover heals common soars. In the case of seasonal fever, dissolving 1 gram of salt in 125 ml of water and having the patient to drink it makes the patient to sweat and the fever goes away. In the case of an injury in which you do not have a wound but have only pain meaning that if it is an internal wound then mix salt in hot water and apply a cover. In the case of gastric pains putting 2 grams of salt in hot water and drinking it twice a day and by mixing salt in sesame oil and applying a massage on the place that has pain is beneficial. In the case of stomach pain drinking hot water with 1 gram of salt is extremely beneficial. It cleans stomach and intestines. In order to make the food tasty salt has a very major role. Salt detoxifies poison. In case if honey bee has stung you then mix vinegar and salt & apply on the bitten place; it will reap benefits. Doing gargles of salted water heals throat infections. On swollen throat if sieved salt is applied with finger, it has benefits. Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said to hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) to start food with salt because it has cure for 70 illnesses and diseases. Some of these are madness, leprosy, stomach pain and tooth ache etc.

Harms of Salt: When liver burns and you have sour hiccups then salt should be used extremely rarely. Salt should be used with moderation. Its increased usage has a very bad effect on various abilities. The body becomes weak. Hair becomes white quite early in life. It increases hypertension. It is very harmful in heart diseases. It affects the kidneys. One of the reasons for kidney failure is increased usage of salt. It weakens the eye sight. It can also be a reason for paralysis.

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